Yes, I’ll explain…

When I came to Costa Rica, 15 years ago, I was young (almost 30, not so younger lol), I was still a Chemist, and I really wanted to stop being one, I needed a different kind of life, you know, nature, more relaxed, more spiritual. The point was, I had no idea how to achieve it! Well, long story short, it took me several years to realize what I wanted and how to start, and that´s called the road, or what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans… (thank you John!).

I believe there’s a reason for everything. If i wasn’t, if i hadn’t, if I wouldn’t have… etc. All the hits in your life are silently leading you to your goal. How quick will happen or how long you are depends on your karma, and the lessons you have to learn in the meantime to be ready when the time comes (I guess I did okay so far, but life is precious, I crossed my 40’s already and I’ll be lucky if I can continue my road without any major issues from now on lol).

Well, all I knew was that I had found the right place in the world, that was great. Costa Rica was and still is the right one.

Then, one day, after leaving chemistry behind, and having had my own commercial adventure (a nice small hotel in a not-yet-well-developed-area-in-south-pacific-coast-of-Costa-Rica), and building background in Customer Service, I was in San José, helping a friend from the US connect some wires and get audio and video for an art show at his art gallery, and apparently i was so helpful that he wanted to pay me for my work! I said no, because, friends are more important than money, and also because helping is even more important than friends! and what happened next changed my life… He started spreading the voice. Some of his friends with assets and projects in Costa Rica started calling me. And yes, all of them did the same. And the word of mouth made me build my own company, which grew up, and became a reliable resource for foreigners. It made sense for me years after that. I’m a foreigner too, I know how it feels being in a different country, trying to get things done, at the right price, by reliable people… Not knowing, I became one.

But, what does that have to do with Prime|Samara? And what about LuKeLaViTa?

I’ll get there soon…

Well, everything has a beginning…

And this is not the exception… Although in order to be fair, this story started a few years ago, and as everything valuable in life, it evolved, it changed, it grew up.

When I say Prime Samara, I say my life, my passion, I talk about LuKeLaViTa (wait…what??)…

Yes, I’ll explain…